Provisionally entitled The Comfort Zone:why the tournaments you play; your mindset and your opening choices might bethe key to your chess success.
Chapter list:
1.The comfort zone.
2.The war against superficiality.
3.How I prepared for the British.
4.The Brooks Koepka method, andthe importance of competitive conditioning.
5.Why computers are narrowingopening theory.
6.Understanding with Mr Liem.
7.Grandmaster vs Amateur.
8.How to defeat certain players,and the lockdown tournament.
9.Can you make 12 strengtheningmoves in a row?
10.Madman theory.
11.Gorm attacks: the good, thebad, and the Tinder swipe left ugly.
12.The platform and the Petroff.
13.Revenge pawn.
Have you ever wondered why you do well incertain tournaments and not in others? If your opening choices are the rightones? If your attacking play is good, bad, or Tinder swipe left ugly?
In this entertaining account, the authorexplains how to achieve success in chess we need to understand our what worksfor us, but to achieve true mastery we should prepare to go beyond our zone ofcomfort.
Along the way he takes us on a journeythrough his own world of discovery and explains how he became one of the bestchess players in England. It’s a deeply honest and at times tragi-comic memoiras he also reveals his strategy for taking on his biggest rivals and how bestto use computers to improve your chess.
Daniel Gormally
Thinkers Publishing
264 pages