Presents 350 pages of the very best in chess:
Matanovic Jubilee – A Tribute to ChessLegend
Rogers - Keres Memorial 1985 (Rogers’ Reminiscences)
Harikrishna– FIDE Nations Cup Review
Gormally –Chess in the 90s (Danny’s Chess Diary)
Ivanisevic– My Repertoire Against the Dutch (Ivan’s Short Cuts)
Leitao – NoLimits for Creativity (Bossa Nova)
Perunovic –Chess in Time of Corona (Opening Novelties)
Foisor –Magnus Invitational Review (State of Play with Sabina)
Prusikin –The Isolated Pawn Couple
Moradiabadi– The Ragozin Defence - New Trends
Delchev –Tactics Training
Marin – OldWine in New Bottles
Griffin – TheBirth of Hubner Variation
ChessStudies Section – Sergey Didukh
Traditional sections: games, combinations, endings,correspondence chess, endgame blunders, Tournament reviews, the best game fromthe preceding volume and the most important theoretical novelty from thepreceding volume.
The periodical that pros use with pleasure is at thesame time a must have publication for all serious chess students!
We bring the very best in chess to you for morethan 50 years!