I've known Yuriy since he came to Webster University in the Fall of 2019 to pursue his graduate studies in Finance and be a member of SPICE, the best collegiate chess program in the US. Since I got to know him, I have come to recognize his incredible passion for chess, and that he is extremely knowledgeable in various openings. He was able to suggest some
interesting ideas not only to his private students, but also to other members of our program, including Grandmasters.
Yuriy's experience with teaching is vast and rich, and the book in question has been devoted to one of the topics he is arguably most knowledgeable about: 1.e4 e5. This is the move he has played himself for years and it has yielded him great results. At the same time, this is something he has analysed extensively, both for himself, and with other members of our program.
In this book, Yuriy does not overwhelm you with variations, but instead he focuses a lot on the verbal explanations and understanding of the typical positions. At the same time, you can be confident that his recommendations are quite sound, and have been thoroughly checked with extensive databases, strong engines, as well as critically looked upon from
the human perspective.
I am entirely sure that studying the materials presented in this work will benefit players of all levels, from some relatively inexperienced club players to even strong players.
Susan Polgar
Yuriy Krikun
Thinkers Publishing
280 pages