Vital lessons for every chess player
New (6th) and improved edition of an all-time classic
Thegood newsabout endgames is:
¯ there are relatively few endings you should know by heart
¯ once you know these endings, that's it. Your knowledge never goes out of date!
Thebad newsis that, all the same, the endgame technique of most players is deficient. Modern time-controls make matters worse: there is simply not enough time to delve deep into the position.
Jesus de la Vila debunks the myth that endgame theory is complex and he teaches you to steer the game into a position you are familiar with.
This book contains only those endgames that:
¯ show up most frequently
¯ are easy to learn
¯ contain ideas that are useful in more difficult positions.
Your performance will improve dramatically because this book brings you:
¯ simple rules
¯ detailed and lively explanations
¯ many diagrams
¯ clear summaries of the most important themes
¯ dozens of tests.
J. de la Villa
New In Chess
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280 pages